Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As one of our Core Values, missions animates much of what we do here at Emmanuel Church. From churchplanting in South Africa, to Bible translation work in Papua New Guinea, to reaching the unreached in Africa and the Middle East, to evangelizing marines and sailors in North Carolina, our missions partners take the good news of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth!

Active Missionaries
Missionaries to Mali, West Africa
Working with Wycliffe Bible Translators to translate the Bible for over 40 years.
Crisis Pregnancy Services
Crisis Pregnancy Services in Egg Harbor City, NJ, educates, supports and empowers women facing unplanned pregnancies with compassionate and professional care. We are supported by individuals, churches, and the local community, we provide our services free of charge. Crisis Pregnancy Services is a non-profit, pro-life, pro-woman, pro-family ministry, dedicated to the truth of the Gospel and the value of every human life. See crisispregnancyservices.com for more information.
Tom Simcox
Rev. Tom Simcox is the Church Ministries Training Coordinator at Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.
Ruby Shade
Ruby and her late husband Bill worked with Source of Light ministries for many decades, traveling all over the world. Ruby continues to serve as a retired missionary with Source of Light.
Jackson and Rachel Vick
Jackson and Rachel Vick are working with YWAM as missionaries to Central Asia.
Jerry and Cindy Walker
Jerry and Cindy Walker are Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea.
James Byakika
The ministry in Uganda was established in 1999 and involves outreach to schools with the Bible lessons, Muslim evangelism, church planting (3 churches have been planted so far), prison ministry, seminars and counseling classes and support of needy children, many orphaned by HIV-AIDS.
Missionaries to Spain
Working with Pioneers Missions to make disciples and initiate church-planting movements among unreached peoples.
Bill and Susan Knipe
Pastor Bill Knipe is a church planting missionary in Ravensmead, South Africa. Bill and Sue have been in Africa with their four children since 2006.
Military Fellowship Center
Military Fellowship Center in Jacksonville, NC is a "Home Away From Home" ministry to Marines and Sailors. They provide home cooked meals, Bible Studies and Day Trips for servicemen and servicewomen.
Slavic Missionary Service
Rob Zapotoski, Director of Slavic Missionary Service, connects pastors and churches in the Slavic World to supporting churches. SMS has a vision to demonstrate Christlike compassion for Slavic people in spiritual and physical need., and to train, equip and reach Slavic people for Christ. Emmanuel Church supports two churches in Belarus and one church in Ukraine.
Join the mission
Be in prayer for our upcoming Missions Trip to South Africa!
We will be sending a missions team to Ravensmead, South Africa in June of 2024. Click the link below to learn more!